Operation Guide

Selection of Goods and Services (Adding to Basket)

To find out the product you want on endemigo.com, you can search by typing keywords or browse the product options by scrolling from the main category to the relevant sub-category. You can add the selected product to your shopping cart by clicking the "Add to Cart" button on the product page.

Entering Payment Information (Purchase)

Click Continue after selecting the products you will purchase in your cart to proceed to the payment stage. Enter the shipping address you want your order and invoice or choose from one of the your registered addresses. If you wish to change your address information before your product is shipped, you can change it from the My Information> Delivery Address field on your My Account page. After you enter your credit card information and select the installment option. you can complete your purchase. You are able to make your payment by debit card, credit card or money order / eft. A payment confirmation email will be sent to you when the purchase is completed. Then, you will be informed by e-mail, respectively, at the stages of the seller confirming your order, delivering your order to the cargo and completing your shopping.

Buy Now

 You can buy products instantly by clicking the "Buy Now" button on the product pages.You can make your payment by debit card, credit card or money order / eft. If you are going to Use your points and coupons in the "Extra Discounts" field on the order screen that opens after clicking the Buy Now button. Select the address where you want your order and invoice to be shipped or define a new address in the system. Make your payment by entering your credit card information and choosing one of the installment options.

Guest User

 It is an alternative order channel for users who do not want to be a member in the website. In addition, if members forget their membership information or want to shop without entering their information, they can shop as a guest user. You cannot view other orders you have placed as a guest user on your My Account page. An order link is sent to your e-mail address for each order placed without a member. By clicking this link, you can follow up your order and cancel / return / change your order.

Delivery Information

After the payment is received at endemigo.com, the store enters the cargo information to the system within the specified lead time and send the cargo to the customer. Shipping information will be sent to your e-mail address. You can also track your product by clicking the "CARGO TRACKING" link from the Current Order tab on your My Account page or on the cargo company's website.

Storage of Contracts

The Preliminary Information Form and the Distance Sales Agreement, which are established online between the seller and the buyer regarding the product or service you have purchased, are sent to you with the order confirmation e-mail. These documents are also stored for six months in endemigo.com records.

Change of Order Information (Order Cancellation)

You can track the order status, change your order information or cancel your order from your My Account page.

Privacy Rules

Our Privacy Policy is available at the link https://www.endemigo.com/s/gizlilik_kisisel_verilerin_korunmasi located at the bottom of the Endemigo.com home page.

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